Monday, January 6, 2025

Monday Morning Sentimonies: Welcome to 2025

Happy New Year. Before I get to football I want to take a moment to recognize that 2025 marks the 18th year of the Rider Prophet. This blog is now old enough to smoke, gamble and jump across provincial borders to drink. If you are curious what the world was like in 2007 when this blog launched, it was the year the iPad was introduced. At the opposite end of the technology success spectrum it was when Windows Vista was launched. It also marked the final time Bob Barker hosted Price is Right. Over these past 18 years, we’ve been through at least 4 general managers, 8 head coaches, 24 starting QBs and more bottles of Wisers than I care to know the exact number of. No matter how long you have been a part of this crazy ride I thank you. If people didn’t read my sentimonies I would very easily descend into Old Man Yells at Cloud territory. I am targeting the Kevin Glenn template for my career. Am I the best? No. But as long as I do above average for longer than anyone else they will have to reluctantly include me in the conversation of the all-time greats.

With that sentimental drivel out of the way, let’s talk some Riders. 

The big new (and also so obvious that even a CFL official couldn’t miss getting the call right) was the trade for Jake Maier. I don’t understand how some people don’t see this as a positive. I get it, Maier lost his job as a starter. But a) everything about Calgary was brutal. Maier was definitely a part of it but there is no way its all on him. Put better talent and coaching around him and we may start to see the guy the earned a starter spot in the first place. And b) we don’t need him to be a starter. We need someone reliable to step in when old man Harris gets hurt. Maier is more experienced and as much I didn’t mind Patterson, he’s a surer thing than Patterson. We needed QB depth, of the options available Maier was our best move. That said, we’d all be happiest if his only contribution this season was effective clipboard holding.

A few Riders have garnered some NFL interest. Tryouts have been held for Ajou Ajou (Colts, Steelers), Trevor Reid (Colts, Bengals, Vikings), AJ Allen (Broncos) and Logan Ferland (Broncos). Remains to be seen if any of those translate into contract offers. Of that group Reid would be the biggest potential loss.

With the exception of JC Sherritt it seems the Riders’ coaching staff we be largely remaining in tact for 2025. Stability like that is very important, particularly at OC. Our recent history includes transitions from the McAdoo offense (if you can call it that), to the Maas offense, to whatever it is that Kelly Jeffries did. In fact, 2025 is poised to be only the second time since 2016 that we have the same OC/QB combination in back to back seasons.

Now that the fiscal year has rolled over we should start to see some more re-signings in advance of free agency in February. Topping my wish list (in order of preference) are Jameer Thurman, Peter Godber, Bryan Cox, Micah Johnson, Miles Brown, Adam Auclair, Malik Carney and Marcus Sayles.

Here’s to a prosperous and successful 2025, for you and for the Riders. 

1 comment:

Govind said...

"whatever it is that Kelly Jeffries did" lol. Love it. This blog is now old enough to vote in the upcoming fed election. Happy New year to you as well.